


    游戏在一个类似于围棋棋盘一样的,可以无限延伸的二维方格网中进行。例如,设想每个方格中都可放置一个生命细胞,生命细胞只有两种状态:“生”或“死”。图中,用黑色的方格表示该细胞为“死”, 其它颜色表示该细胞为“生”。游戏开始时, 每个细胞可以随机地(或给定地)被设定为“生”或“死”之一的某个状态, 然后,再根据如下生存定律计算下一代每个细胞的状态:

  • 每个细胞的状态由该细胞及周围8个细胞上一次的状态所决定;

  • 如果一个细胞周围有3个细胞为生,则该细胞为生,即该细胞若原先为死则转为生,若原先为生则保持不变;

  • 如果一个细胞周围有2个细胞为生,则该细胞的生死状态保持不变;

  • 在其它情况下,该细胞为死,即该细胞若原先为生则转为死,若原先为死则保持不变。


import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import animation import cv2  img = np.random.randint(2, size=(3, 3)) max_alive = 3 num_alive = 2   def wise_element_sum(img, fil):     return (img * fil).sum()   # calculate convolution 1 def convolve(img):     fil_lt = np.array([[0, 1], [1, 1]])     fil_t = np.array([[1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 1]])     fil_rt = np.array([[1, 0], [1, 1]])     fil_l = np.array([[1, 1], [0, 1], [1, 1]])     fil_r = np.array([[1, 1], [1, 0], [1, 1]])     fil_ld = np.array([[1, 1], [0, 1]])     fil_d = np.array([[1, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1]])     fil_rd = np.array([[1, 1], [1, 0]])     fil_o = np.array([[1, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 1]])      conv_height = img.shape[0]     conv_weight = img.shape[1]     conv = np.zeros((conv_height, conv_weight), dtype='uint8')      for i in range(conv_height):         if i == 0:             for j in range(conv_weight):                 if j == 0:  # the left top point                     conv[i][j] = wise_element_sum(img[i: fil_lt.shape[0], j: fil_lt.shape[1]], fil_lt)                 elif j == conv_weight - 1:  # the right top point                     conv[i][j] = wise_element_sum(img[i: fil_lt.shape[0], j - 1: j + 1], fil_rt)                 else:  # the top row                     conv[i][j] = wise_element_sum(img[i: fil_lt.shape[0], j - 1: j + 2], fil_t)         elif i == conv_height - 1:             for j in range(conv_weight):                 if j == 0:  # the left bottom point                     conv[i][j] = wise_element_sum(img[i - 1: conv_height, j: fil_ld.shape[1]], fil_ld)                 elif j == conv_weight - 1:  # the right bottom point                     conv[i][j] = wise_element_sum(img[i - 1: conv_height, j - 1: j + 1], fil_rd)                 else:  # the bottom raw                     conv[i][j] = wise_element_sum(img[i - 1: conv_height, j - 1: j + 2], fil_d)         else:             for j in range(conv_weight):                 if j == 0:  # the left column                     conv[i][j] = wise_element_sum(img[i - 1: i + 2, j: fil_ld.shape[1]], fil_l)                 elif j == conv_weight - 1:  # the right column                     conv[i][j] = wise_element_sum(img[i - 1: i + 2, j - 1: j + 1], fil_r)                 else:  # the center/others point                     conv[i][j] = wise_element_sum(img[i - 1: i + 2, j - 1: j + 2], fil_o)     return conv   # format the result of convolution def format_conv(img):     format_height = img.shape[0]     format_weight = img.shape[1]     format_matrix = np.zeros((format_height, format_weight), dtype='uint8')     for i in range(format_height):         for j in range(format_weight):             if img[i][j] == max_alive:  # if value of matrix == 3, set it to 2                 format_matrix[i][j] = 2             elif img[i][j] == num_alive:  # if value of matrix == 2, set it to 1                 format_matrix[i][j] = 1     return format_matrix   # format the life matrix def format_life(img):     format_height = img.shape[0]     format_weight = img.shape[1]     format_matrix = np.zeros((format_height, format_weight), dtype='uint8')     for i in range(format_height):         for j in range(format_weight):             if img[i][j] > 1:                 format_matrix[i][j] = 1     return format_matrix   def life_iterate(img):     format_c = format_conv(convolve(img))     life_matric = format_life(img + format_c)     return life_matric   fig = plt.figure() plt.axis('off') print(img) im = plt.imshow(img)   def animate(i):     global img     img = life_iterate(img)     im.set_array(img)     print(img)     return [im]   anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, frames=200, interval=2000, blit=True)




   1. 卷积

   2. 格式化

   3. 迭代



def life_iterate(img):     #format_c = format_conv(convolve(img))     format_c = format_conv(cv2_convolve(img))     life_matric = format_life(img + format_c)     return life_matric   def img_minusborder(border):     return border[1: border.shape[0] - 1, 1: border.shape[1] - 1]   def cv2_convolve(img):     fil = np.array([[1, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 1]])     return img_minusborder(cv2.filter2D(img_addborder(img), -1, fil))   # function 2 to calaulate convolution def img_addborder(img):     border_height = img.shape[0] + 2     border_weight = img.shape[1] + 2     border_matrix = np.zeros((border_height, border_weight), dtype='uint8')     border_matrix[1: border_height - 1, 1: border_weight - 1] = img     return border_matrix


本文发表于2017年10月13日 06:34

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