


  1. 守护进程主函数执行初始化。
  • src/main.c
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { ... 	switch (com.type) { 	case COM_DAEMON: 		rv = do_daemon(); 		break;  	case COM_CLIENT: 		rv = do_client(); 		break;  	case COM_DIRECT: 		rv = do_direct(); 		break; 	}; ... }  static int do_daemon(void) { 	int fd, rv;   	/* This can take a while so do it before forking. */ 	setup_groups();  	if (!com.debug) { 		/* TODO: copy comprehensive daemonization method from libvirtd */ 		if (daemon(0, 0) < 0) { 			log_tool("cannot fork daemon\n"); 			exit(EXIT_FAILURE); 		} 	}  	setup_limits(); 	setup_helper();  	/* main task never does disk io, so we don't really need to set 	 * it up, but other tasks get their use_aio value by copying 	 * the main_task settings */  	sprintf(, "%s", "main"); 	setup_task_aio(&main_task, com.aio_arg, 0);  	rv = client_alloc(); 	if (rv < 0) 		return rv;  	helper_ci = client_add(helper_status_fd, process_helper, helper_dead); 	if (helper_ci < 0) 		return rv; 	strcpy(client[helper_ci].owner_name, "helper");  	setup_signals(); 	setup_logging();  	fd = lockfile(SANLK_RUN_DIR, SANLK_LOCKFILE_NAME, com.uid, com.gid); 	if (fd < 0) { 		close_logging(); 		return fd; 	}  	setup_host_name();  	setup_uid_gid();  	log_level(0, 0, NULL, LOG_WARNING, "sanlock daemon started %s host %s", 		  VERSION, our_host_name_global);  	setup_priority();  	rv = thread_pool_create(DEFAULT_MIN_WORKER_THREADS, com.max_worker_threads); 	if (rv < 0) 		goto out;  	rv = setup_listener(); 	if (rv < 0) 		goto out_threads;  	setup_token_manager(); 	if (rv < 0) 		goto out_threads;  	/* initialize global eventfd for client_resume notification */ 	if ((efd = eventfd(0, EFD_CLOEXEC | EFD_NONBLOCK)) == -1) { 		log_error("couldn't create eventfd"); 		goto out_threads; 	}  	main_loop();  	close_token_manager();   out_threads: 	thread_pool_free();  out: 	/* order reversed from setup so lockfile is last */ 	close_logging(); 	unlink_lockfile(fd, SANLK_RUN_DIR, SANLK_LOCKFILE_NAME); 	return rv; } 
  1. 创建helper子进程负责执行kill信号或者执行killpath指定的程序。
  • src/main.c
/*  * first pipe for daemon to send requests to helper; they are not acknowledged  * and the daemon does not get any result back for the requests.  *  * second pipe for helper to send general status/heartbeat back to the daemon  * every so often to confirm it's not dead/hung.  If the helper gets stuck or  * killed, the daemon will not get the status and won't bother sending requests  * to the helper, and use SIGTERM instead  */  static int setup_helper(void) { 	int pid; 	int pw_fd = -1; /* parent write */ 	int cr_fd = -1; /* child read */ 	int pr_fd = -1; /* parent read */ 	int cw_fd = -1; /* child write */ 	int pfd[2];  	/* we can't allow the main daemon thread to block */ 	if (pipe2(pfd, O_NONBLOCK | O_CLOEXEC)) 		return -errno;  	/* uncomment for rhel7 where this should be available */ 	/* fcntl(pfd[1], F_SETPIPE_SZ, 1024*1024); */  	cr_fd = pfd[0]; 	pw_fd = pfd[1];  	if (pipe2(pfd, O_NONBLOCK | O_CLOEXEC)) { 		close(cr_fd); 		close(pw_fd); 		return -errno; 	}  	pr_fd = pfd[0]; 	cw_fd = pfd[1];  	pid = fork(); 	if (pid < 0) { 		close(cr_fd); 		close(pw_fd); 		close(pr_fd); 		close(cw_fd); 		return -errno; 	}  	if (pid) { 		close(cr_fd); 		close(cw_fd); 		helper_kill_fd = pw_fd; 		helper_status_fd = pr_fd; 		helper_pid = pid; 		return 0; 	} else { 		close(pr_fd); 		close(pw_fd); 		run_helper(cr_fd, cw_fd, (log_stderr_priority == LOG_DEBUG)); 		exit(0); 	} } 
  • src/helper.c


int run_helper(int in_fd, int out_fd, int log_stderr) { 	char name[16]; 	struct pollfd pollfd; 	struct helper_msg hm; 	unsigned int fork_count = 0; 	unsigned int wait_count = 0; 	time_t now, last_send, last_good = 0; 	int timeout = STANDARD_TIMEOUT_MS; 	int rv, pid, status;  	memset(name, 0, sizeof(name)); 	sprintf(name, "%s", "sanlock-helper"); 	prctl(PR_SET_NAME, (unsigned long)name, 0, 0, 0);  	rv = setgroups(0, NULL); 	if (rv < 0) 		log_debug("error clearing helper groups errno %i", errno);  	memset(&pollfd, 0, sizeof(pollfd)); 	pollfd.fd = in_fd; = POLLIN;  	now = monotime(); 	last_send = now; 	rv = send_status(out_fd); 	if (!rv) 		last_good = now;  	while (1) { 		rv = poll(&pollfd, 1, timeout); 		if (rv == -1 && errno == EINTR) 			continue;  		if (rv < 0) 			exit(0);  		now = monotime();  		if (now - last_good >= HELPER_STATUS_INTERVAL && 		    now - last_send >= 2) { 			last_send = now; 			rv = send_status(out_fd); 			if (!rv) 				last_good = now; 		}  		memset(&hm, 0, sizeof(hm));  		if (pollfd.revents & POLLIN) { 			rv = read_hm(in_fd, &hm); 			if (rv) 				continue;  			if (hm.type == HELPER_MSG_RUNPATH) { 				pid = fork(); 				if (!pid) { 					run_path(&hm); 					exit(-1); 				}  				fork_count++;  				/* 				log_debug("helper fork %d count %d %d %s %s", 					  pid, fork_count, wait_count, 					  hm.path, hm.args); 				*/ 			} else if (hm.type == HELPER_MSG_KILLPID) { 				kill(, hm.sig); 			} 		}  		if (pollfd.revents & (POLLERR | POLLHUP | POLLNVAL)) 			exit(0);  		/* collect child exits until no more children exist (ECHILD) 		   or none are ready (WNOHANG) */  		while (1) { 			rv = waitpid(-1, &status, WNOHANG); 			if (rv > 0) { 				wait_count++;  				/* 				log_debug("helper wait %d count %d %d", 					  rv, fork_count, wait_count); 				*/ 				continue; 			}  			/* no more children to wait for or no children 			   have exited */  			if (rv < 0 && errno == ECHILD) { 				if (timeout == RECOVERY_TIMEOUT_MS) { 					log_debug("helper no children count %d %d", 						  fork_count, wait_count); 				} 				timeout = STANDARD_TIMEOUT_MS; 			} else { 				timeout = RECOVERY_TIMEOUT_MS; 			} 			break; 		} 	}  	return 0; }  static void run_path(struct helper_msg *hm) { 	char arg[SANLK_HELPER_ARGS_LEN]; 	char *args = hm->args; 	char *av[MAX_AV_COUNT + 1]; /* +1 for NULL */ 	int av_count = 0; 	int i, arg_len, args_len;  	for (i = 0; i < MAX_AV_COUNT + 1; i++) 		av[i] = NULL;  	av[av_count++] = strdup(hm->path);  	if (!args[0]) 		goto pid_arg;  	/* this should already be done, but make sure */ 	args[SANLK_HELPER_ARGS_LEN - 1] = '\0';  	memset(&arg, 0, sizeof(arg)); 	arg_len = 0; 	args_len = strlen(args);  	for (i = 0; i < args_len; i++) { 		if (!args[i]) 			break;  		if (av_count == MAX_AV_COUNT) 			break;  		if (args[i] == '\\') { 			if (i == (args_len - 1)) 				break; 			i++;  			if (args[i] == '\\') { 				arg[arg_len++] = args[i]; 				continue; 			} 			if (isspace(args[i])) { 				arg[arg_len++] = args[i]; 				continue; 			} else { 				break; 			} 		}  		if (isalnum(args[i]) || ispunct(args[i])) { 			arg[arg_len++] = args[i]; 		} else if (isspace(args[i])) { 			if (arg_len) 				av[av_count++] = strdup(arg);  			memset(arg, 0, sizeof(arg)); 			arg_len = 0; 		} else { 			break; 		} 	}  	if ((av_count < MAX_AV_COUNT) && arg_len) { 		av[av_count++] = strdup(arg); 	}   pid_arg: 	if ((av_count < MAX_AV_COUNT) && hm->pid) { 		memset(arg, 0, sizeof(arg)); 		snprintf(arg, sizeof(arg)-1, "%d", hm->pid); 		av[av_count++] = strdup(arg); 	}  	execvp(av[0], av); } 
  1. 初始化并分配客户端管理数据结构。
  • src/main.c
/* FIXME: add a mutex for client array so we don't try to expand it    while a cmd thread is using it.  Or, with a thread pool we know    when cmd threads are running and can expand when none are. */  static int client_alloc(void) { 	int i;  	/* pollfd is one element longer as we use an additional element for the 	 * eventfd notification mechanism */ 	client = malloc(CLIENT_NALLOC * sizeof(struct client)); 	pollfd = malloc((CLIENT_NALLOC+1) * sizeof(struct pollfd));  	if (!client || !pollfd) { 		log_error("can't alloc for client or pollfd array"); 		return -ENOMEM; 	}  	for (i = 0; i < CLIENT_NALLOC; i++) { 		memset(&client[i], 0, sizeof(struct client)); 		memset(&pollfd[i], 0, sizeof(struct pollfd));  		pthread_mutex_init(&client[i].mutex, NULL); 		client[i].fd = -1; 		client[i].pid = -1;  		pollfd[i].fd = -1; 		pollfd[i].events = 0; 	} 	client_size = CLIENT_NALLOC; 	return 0; } 
  1. 设置本地套接字监听端口及处理函数。
  • src/main.c


static int setup_listener(void) { 	struct sockaddr_un addr; 	int rv, fd, ci;  	rv = sanlock_socket_address(&addr); 	if (rv < 0) 		return rv;  	fd = socket(AF_LOCAL, SOCK_STREAM, 0); 	if (fd < 0) 		return fd;  	unlink(addr.sun_path); 	rv = bind(fd, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_un)); 	if (rv < 0) 		goto exit_fail;  	rv = chmod(addr.sun_path, DEFAULT_SOCKET_MODE); 	if (rv < 0) 		goto exit_fail;  	rv = chown(addr.sun_path, com.uid, com.gid); 	if (rv < 0) { 		log_error("could not set socket %s permissions: %s", 			addr.sun_path, strerror(errno)); 		goto exit_fail; 	}  	rv = listen(fd, 5); 	if (rv < 0) 		goto exit_fail;  	fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, fcntl(fd, F_GETFL, 0) | O_NONBLOCK);  	ci = client_add(fd, process_listener, NULL); 	if (ci < 0) 		goto exit_fail;  	strcpy(client[ci].owner_name, "listener"); 	return 0;   exit_fail: 	close(fd); 	return -1; } 
  • src/sanlock_sock.c


int sanlock_socket_address(struct sockaddr_un *addr) { 	memset(addr, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_un)); 	addr->sun_family = AF_LOCAL; 	snprintf(addr->sun_path, sizeof(addr->sun_path) - 1, "%s/%s", 		 SANLK_RUN_DIR, SANLK_SOCKET_NAME); 	return 0; } 
  • src/sanlock_sock.h


#define SANLK_RUN_DIR "/var/run/sanlock" #define SANLK_SOCKET_NAME "sanlock.sock" 
  • src/main.c


static void process_listener(int ci GNUC_UNUSED) { 	int fd; 	int on = 1;  	fd = accept(client[ci].fd, NULL, NULL); 	if (fd < 0) 		return;  	setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_PASSCRED, &on, sizeof(on));  	client_add(fd, process_connection, NULL); }  static void process_connection(int ci) { 	struct sm_header h; 	void (*deadfn)(int ci); 	int rv;  	memset(&h, 0, sizeof(h));  	rv = recv(client[ci].fd, &h, sizeof(h), MSG_WAITALL); 	if (!rv) 		return; 	if (rv < 0) { 		log_error("ci %d fd %d pid %d recv errno %d", 			  ci, client[ci].fd, client[ci].pid, errno); 		goto dead; 	} 	if (rv != sizeof(h)) { 		log_error("ci %d fd %d pid %d recv size %d", 			  ci, client[ci].fd, client[ci].pid, rv); 		goto dead; 	} 	if (h.magic != SM_MAGIC) { 		log_error("ci %d recv %d magic %x vs %x", 			  ci, rv, h.magic, SM_MAGIC); 		goto dead; 	} 	if (client[ci].restricted & SANLK_RESTRICT_ALL) { 		log_error("ci %d fd %d pid %d cmd %d restrict all", 			  ci, client[ci].fd, client[ci].pid, h.cmd); 		goto dead; 	} 	if (h.version && (h.cmd != SM_CMD_VERSION) && 	    (h.version & 0xFFFF0000) > (SM_PROTO & 0xFFFF0000)) { 		log_error("ci %d recv %d proto %x vs %x", 			  ci, rv, h.version , SM_PROTO); 		goto dead; 	}  	client[ci].cmd_last = h.cmd;  	switch (h.cmd) { 	case SM_CMD_REGISTER: 	case SM_CMD_RESTRICT: 	case SM_CMD_VERSION: 	case SM_CMD_SHUTDOWN: 	case SM_CMD_STATUS: 	case SM_CMD_HOST_STATUS: 	case SM_CMD_RENEWAL: 	case SM_CMD_LOG_DUMP: 	case SM_CMD_GET_LOCKSPACES: 	case SM_CMD_GET_HOSTS: 	case SM_CMD_REG_EVENT: 	case SM_CMD_END_EVENT: 	case SM_CMD_SET_CONFIG: 		call_cmd_daemon(ci, &h, client_maxi); 		break; 	case SM_CMD_ADD_LOCKSPACE: 	case SM_CMD_INQ_LOCKSPACE: 	case SM_CMD_REM_LOCKSPACE: 	case SM_CMD_REQUEST: 	case SM_CMD_EXAMINE_RESOURCE: 	case SM_CMD_EXAMINE_LOCKSPACE: 	case SM_CMD_ALIGN: 	case SM_CMD_WRITE_LOCKSPACE: 	case SM_CMD_WRITE_RESOURCE: 	case SM_CMD_READ_LOCKSPACE: 	case SM_CMD_READ_RESOURCE: 	case SM_CMD_READ_RESOURCE_OWNERS: 	case SM_CMD_SET_LVB: 	case SM_CMD_GET_LVB: 	case SM_CMD_SHUTDOWN_WAIT: 	case SM_CMD_SET_EVENT: 		rv = client_suspend(ci); 		if (rv < 0) 			return; 		process_cmd_thread_unregistered(ci, &h); 		break; 	case SM_CMD_ACQUIRE: 	case SM_CMD_RELEASE: 	case SM_CMD_INQUIRE: 	case SM_CMD_CONVERT: 	case SM_CMD_KILLPATH: 		/* the main_loop needs to ignore this connection 		   while the thread is working on it */ 		rv = client_suspend(ci); 		if (rv < 0) 			return; 		process_cmd_thread_registered(ci, &h); 		break; 	default: 		log_error("ci %d cmd %d unknown", ci, h.cmd); 	};  	return;   dead: 	deadfn = client[ci].deadfn; 	if (deadfn) 		deadfn(ci); } 



  • src/main.c
  1. 循环poll每个套接字,如果有数据则执行相应的work函数,也就是之前设置好的process_connection函数。
static int main_loop(void) { 	void (*workfn) (int ci); 	void (*deadfn) (int ci); 	struct space *sp, *safe; 	struct timeval now, last_check; 	int poll_timeout, check_interval; 	unsigned int ms; 	int i, rv, empty, check_all; 	char *check_buf = NULL; 	int check_buf_len = 0; 	uint64_t ebuf;  	gettimeofday(&last_check, NULL); 	poll_timeout = STANDARD_CHECK_INTERVAL; 	check_interval = STANDARD_CHECK_INTERVAL;  	while (1) { 		/* as well as the clients, check the eventfd */ 		pollfd[client_maxi+1].fd = efd; 		pollfd[client_maxi+1].events = POLLIN;  		rv = poll(pollfd, client_maxi + 2, poll_timeout); 		if (rv == -1 && errno == EINTR) 			continue; 		if (rv < 0) { 			/* not sure */ 		} 		for (i = 0; i <= client_maxi + 1; i++) { 			if (pollfd[i].fd == efd && pollfd[i].revents & POLLIN) { 				/* a client_resume completed */ 				eventfd_read(efd, &ebuf); 				continue; 			} 			if (client[i].fd < 0) 				continue; 			if (pollfd[i].revents & POLLIN) { 				workfn = client[i].workfn; 				if (workfn) 					workfn(i); 			} 			if (pollfd[i].revents & (POLLERR | POLLHUP | POLLNVAL)) { 				deadfn = client[i].deadfn; 				if (deadfn) 					deadfn(i); 			} 		}   		gettimeofday(&now, NULL); 		ms = time_diff(&last_check, &now); 		if (ms < check_interval) { 			poll_timeout = check_interval - ms; 			continue; 		} 		last_check = now; 		check_interval = STANDARD_CHECK_INTERVAL;  		/* 		 * check the condition of each lockspace, 		 * if pids are being killed, have pids all exited? 		 * is its host_id being renewed?, if not kill pids 		 */  		pthread_mutex_lock(&spaces_mutex); 		list_for_each_entry_safe(sp, safe, &spaces, list) {  			if (sp->killing_pids && all_pids_dead(sp)) { 				/* 				 * move sp to spaces_rem so main_loop 				 * will no longer see it. 				 */ 				log_space(sp, "set thread_stop"); 				pthread_mutex_lock(&sp->mutex); 				sp->thread_stop = 1; 				deactivate_watchdog(sp); 				pthread_mutex_unlock(&sp->mutex); 				list_move(&sp->list, &spaces_rem); 				continue; 			}  			if (sp->killing_pids) { 				/* 				 * continue to kill the pids with increasing 				 * levels of severity until they all exit 				 */ 				kill_pids(sp); 				check_interval = RECOVERY_CHECK_INTERVAL; 				continue; 			}  			/* 			 * check host_id lease renewal 			 */  			if (sp->align_size > check_buf_len) { 				if (check_buf) 					free(check_buf); 				check_buf_len = sp->align_size; 				check_buf = malloc(check_buf_len); 			} 			if (check_buf) 				memset(check_buf, 0, check_buf_len);  			check_all = 0;  			rv = check_our_lease(sp, &check_all, check_buf); 			if (rv) 				sp->renew_fail = 1;  			if (rv || sp->external_remove || (external_shutdown > 1)) { 				log_space(sp, "set killing_pids check %d remove %d", 					  rv, sp->external_remove); 				sp->space_dead = 1; 				sp->killing_pids = 1; 				kill_pids(sp); 				check_interval = RECOVERY_CHECK_INTERVAL;  			} else if (check_all) { 				check_other_leases(sp, check_buf); 			} 		} 		empty = list_empty(&spaces); 		pthread_mutex_unlock(&spaces_mutex);  		if (external_shutdown && empty) 			break;  		if (external_shutdown == 1) { 			log_debug("ignore shutdown, lockspace exists"); 			external_shutdown = 0; 		}  		free_lockspaces(0); 		free_resources();  		gettimeofday(&now, NULL); 		ms = time_diff(&last_check, &now); 		if (ms < check_interval) 			poll_timeout = check_interval - ms; 		else 			poll_timeout = 1; 	}  	free_lockspaces(1);  	daemon_shutdown_reply();  	return 0; } 
  1. 同时定时检查每个Lockspace的租约是否正常更新。
  • src/lockspace.c
int check_our_lease(struct space *sp, int *check_all, char *check_buf) { 	int id_renewal_fail_seconds, id_renewal_warn_seconds; 	uint64_t last_success; 	int corrupt_result; 	int gap;  	pthread_mutex_lock(&sp->mutex); 	last_success = sp->lease_status.renewal_last_success; 	corrupt_result = sp->lease_status.corrupt_result;  	if (sp->lease_status.renewal_read_count > sp->lease_status.renewal_read_check) { 		/* 		 * NB. it's unfortunate how subtle this is. 		 * main loop will pass this buf to check_other_leases next 		 */ 		sp->lease_status.renewal_read_check = sp->lease_status.renewal_read_count; 		*check_all = 1; 		if (check_buf) 			memcpy(check_buf, sp->lease_status.renewal_read_buf, sp->align_size); 	} 	pthread_mutex_unlock(&sp->mutex);  	if (corrupt_result) { 		log_erros(sp, "check_our_lease corrupt %d", corrupt_result); 		return -1; 	}  	gap = monotime() - last_success;  	id_renewal_fail_seconds = calc_id_renewal_fail_seconds(sp->io_timeout); 	id_renewal_warn_seconds = calc_id_renewal_warn_seconds(sp->io_timeout);  	if (gap >= id_renewal_fail_seconds) { 		log_erros(sp, "check_our_lease failed %d", gap); 		return -1; 	}  	if (gap >= id_renewal_warn_seconds) { 		log_erros(sp, "check_our_lease warning %d last_success %llu", 			  gap, (unsigned long long)last_success); 	}  	if (com.debug_renew > 1) { 		log_space(sp, "check_our_lease good %d %llu", 		  	  gap, (unsigned long long)last_success); 	}  	return 0; } 
  1. 如果更新租约失败,并超过一段时间则调用kill_pids函数终止持有该Lockspace的租约的进程。
  • src/main.c


static void kill_pids(struct space *sp) { 	struct client *cl; 	uint64_t now, last_success; 	int id_renewal_fail_seconds; 	int ci, sig; 	int do_kill, in_grace;  	/* 	 * all remaining pids using sp are stuck, we've made max attempts to 	 * kill all, don't bother cycling through them 	 */ 	if (sp->killing_pids > 1) 		return;  	id_renewal_fail_seconds = calc_id_renewal_fail_seconds(sp->io_timeout);  	/* 	 * If we happen to renew our lease after we've started killing pids, 	 * the period we allow for graceful shutdown will be extended. This 	 * is an incidental effect, although it may be nice. The previous 	 * behavior would still be ok, where we only ever allow up to 	 * kill_grace_seconds for graceful shutdown before moving to sigkill. 	 */ 	pthread_mutex_lock(&sp->mutex); 	last_success = sp->lease_status.renewal_last_success; 	pthread_mutex_unlock(&sp->mutex);  	now = monotime();  	for (ci = 0; ci <= client_maxi; ci++) { 		do_kill = 0;  		cl = &client[ci]; 		pthread_mutex_lock(&cl->mutex);  		if (!cl->used) 			goto unlock;  		if (cl->pid <= 0) 			goto unlock;  		/* NB this cl may not be using sp, but trying to 		   avoid the expensive client_using_space check */  		if (cl->kill_count >= kill_count_max) 			goto unlock;  		if (cl->kill_count && (now - cl->kill_last < 1)) 			goto unlock;  		if (!client_using_space(cl, sp)) 			goto unlock;  		cl->kill_last = now; 		cl->kill_count++;  		/* 		 * the transition from using killpath/sigterm to sigkill 		 * is when now >= 		 * last successful lease renewal + 		 * id_renewal_fail_seconds + 		 * kill_grace_seconds 		 */  		in_grace = now < (last_success + id_renewal_fail_seconds + kill_grace_seconds);  		if (sp->external_remove || (external_shutdown > 1)) { 			sig = SIGKILL; 		} else if ((kill_grace_seconds > 0) && in_grace && cl->killpath[0]) { 			sig = SIGRUNPATH; 		} else if (in_grace) { 			sig = SIGTERM; 		} else { 			sig = SIGKILL; 		}  		/* 		 * sigterm will be used in place of sigkill if restricted 		 * sigkill will be used in place of sigterm if restricted 		 */  		if ((sig == SIGKILL) && (cl->restricted & SANLK_RESTRICT_SIGKILL)) 			sig = SIGTERM;  		if ((sig == SIGTERM) && (cl->restricted & SANLK_RESTRICT_SIGTERM)) 			sig = SIGKILL;  		do_kill = 1;  unlock: 		pthread_mutex_unlock(&cl->mutex);  		if (!do_kill) 			continue;  		send_helper_kill(sp, cl, sig); 	} } 
  1. 向helper进程发送kill命令,helper进程进行kill,但是并不向主进程返回执行结果。
  • src/main.c


/*  * We cannot block the main thread on this write, so the pipe is  * NONBLOCK, and write fails with EAGAIN when the pipe is full.  * With 512 msg size and 64k default pipe size, the pipe will be full  * if we quickly send kill messages for 128 pids.  We retry  * the kill once a second, so we'll retry the write again in  * a second.  *  * By setting the pipe size to 1MB in setup_helper, we could quickly send 2048  * msgs before getting EAGAIN.  */  static void send_helper_kill(struct space *sp, struct client *cl, int sig) { 	struct helper_msg hm; 	int rv;  	/* 	 * We come through here once a second while the pid still has 	 * leases.  We only send a single RUNPATH message, so after 	 * the first RUNPATH goes through we set CL_RUNPATH_SENT to 	 * avoid futher RUNPATH's. 	 */  	if ((cl->flags & CL_RUNPATH_SENT) && (sig == SIGRUNPATH)) 		return;  	if (helper_kill_fd == -1) { 		log_error("send_helper_kill pid %d no fd", cl->pid); 		return; 	}  	memset(&hm, 0, sizeof(hm));  	if (sig == SIGRUNPATH) { 		hm.type = HELPER_MSG_RUNPATH; 		memcpy(hm.path, cl->killpath, SANLK_HELPER_PATH_LEN); 		memcpy(hm.args, cl->killargs, SANLK_HELPER_ARGS_LEN);  		/* only include pid if it's requested as a killpath arg */ 		if (cl->flags & CL_KILLPATH_PID) = cl->pid; 	} else { 		hm.type = HELPER_MSG_KILLPID; 		hm.sig = sig; = cl->pid; 	}  	log_erros(sp, "kill %d sig %d count %d", cl->pid, sig, cl->kill_count);   retry: 	rv = write(helper_kill_fd, &hm, sizeof(hm)); 	if (rv == -1 && errno == EINTR) 		goto retry;  	/* pipe is full, we'll try again in a second */ 	if (rv == -1 && errno == EAGAIN) { 		helper_full_count++; 		log_space(sp, "send_helper_kill pid %d sig %d full_count %u", 			  cl->pid, sig, helper_full_count); 		return; 	}  	/* helper exited or closed fd, quit using helper */ 	if (rv == -1 && errno == EPIPE) { 		log_erros(sp, "send_helper_kill EPIPE"); 		close_helper(); 		return; 	}  	if (rv != sizeof(hm)) { 		/* this shouldn't happen */ 		log_erros(sp, "send_helper_kill pid %d error %d %d", 			  cl->pid, rv, errno); 		close_helper(); 		return; 	}  	if (sig == SIGRUNPATH) 		cl->flags |= CL_RUNPATH_SENT; } 
  1. 当进程被杀死后,主进程main_loop函数在与该进程连接poll套接字时,会收到POLLIN和POLLHUP事件,从而执行如下函数,释放client相关资源:
  • src/main.c
static int main_loop(void) { ... 			if (pollfd[i].revents & (POLLERR | POLLHUP | POLLNVAL)) { 				deadfn = client[i].deadfn; 				if (deadfn) 					deadfn(i); 			} ... }  void client_pid_dead(int ci) { 	struct client *cl = &client[ci]; 	int cmd_active; 	int i, pid;  	/* cmd_acquire_thread may still be waiting for the tokens 	   to be acquired.  if it is, cl->pid_dead tells it to release them 	   when finished.  Similarly, cmd_release_thread, cmd_inquire_thread 	   are accessing cl->tokens */  	pthread_mutex_lock(&cl->mutex); 	if (!cl->used || cl->fd == -1 || cl->pid == -1) { 		/* should never happen */ 		pthread_mutex_unlock(&cl->mutex); 		log_error("client_pid_dead %d,%d,%d u %d a %d s %d bad state", 			  ci, cl->fd, cl->pid, cl->used, 			  cl->cmd_active, cl->suspend); 		return; 	}  	log_debug("client_pid_dead %d,%d,%d cmd_active %d suspend %d", 		  ci, cl->fd, cl->pid, cl->cmd_active, cl->suspend);  	if (cl->kill_count) 		log_error("dead %d ci %d count %d", cl->pid, ci, cl->kill_count);  	cmd_active = cl->cmd_active; 	pid = cl->pid; 	cl->pid = -1; 	cl->pid_dead = 1;  	/* when cmd_active is set and cmd_a,r,i_thread is done and takes 	   cl->mutex to set cl->cmd_active to 0, it will see cl->pid_dead is 1 	   and know they need to release cl->tokens and call client_free */  	/* make poll() ignore this connection */ 	pollfd[ci].fd = -1; 	pollfd[ci].events = 0;  	pthread_mutex_unlock(&cl->mutex);  	/* it would be nice to do this SIGKILL as a confirmation that the pid 	   is really gone (i.e. didn't just close the fd) if we always had root 	   permission to do it */  	/* kill(pid, SIGKILL); */  	if (cmd_active) { 		log_debug("client_pid_dead %d,%d,%d defer to cmd %d", 			  ci, cl->fd, pid, cmd_active); 		return; 	}  	/* use async release here because this is the main thread that we don't 	   want to block doing disk lease i/o */  	pthread_mutex_lock(&cl->mutex); 	for (i = 0; i < cl->tokens_slots; i++) { 		if (cl->tokens[i]) { 			release_token_async(cl->tokens[i]); 			free(cl->tokens[i]); 		} 	}  	_client_free(ci); 	pthread_mutex_unlock(&cl->mutex); } 


  • src/cmd.c


void call_cmd_thread(struct task *task, struct cmd_args *ca) { 	switch (ca->header.cmd) { 	case SM_CMD_ACQUIRE: 		cmd_acquire(task, ca); 		break; 	case SM_CMD_RELEASE: 		cmd_release(task, ca); 		break; 	case SM_CMD_INQUIRE: 		cmd_inquire(task, ca); 		break; 	case SM_CMD_CONVERT: 		cmd_convert(task, ca); 		break; 	case SM_CMD_REQUEST: 		cmd_request(task, ca); 		break; 	case SM_CMD_ADD_LOCKSPACE: 		strcpy(client[ca->ci_in].owner_name, "add_lockspace"); 		cmd_add_lockspace(ca); 		break; 	case SM_CMD_INQ_LOCKSPACE: 		strcpy(client[ca->ci_in].owner_name, "inq_lockspace"); 		cmd_inq_lockspace(ca); 		break; 	case SM_CMD_REM_LOCKSPACE: 		strcpy(client[ca->ci_in].owner_name, "rem_lockspace"); 		cmd_rem_lockspace(ca); 		break; 	case SM_CMD_ALIGN: 		cmd_align(task, ca); 		break; 	case SM_CMD_WRITE_LOCKSPACE: 		cmd_write_lockspace(task, ca); 		break; 	case SM_CMD_WRITE_RESOURCE: 		cmd_write_resource(task, ca); 		break; 	case SM_CMD_READ_LOCKSPACE: 		cmd_read_lockspace(task, ca); 		break; 	case SM_CMD_READ_RESOURCE: 		cmd_read_resource(task, ca); 		break; 	case SM_CMD_READ_RESOURCE_OWNERS: 		cmd_read_resource_owners(task, ca); 		break; 	case SM_CMD_EXAMINE_LOCKSPACE: 	case SM_CMD_EXAMINE_RESOURCE: 		cmd_examine(task, ca); 		break; 	case SM_CMD_KILLPATH: 		cmd_killpath(task, ca); 		break; 	case SM_CMD_SET_LVB: 		cmd_set_lvb(task, ca); 		break; 	case SM_CMD_GET_LVB: 		cmd_get_lvb(task, ca); 		break; 	case SM_CMD_SHUTDOWN_WAIT: 		cmd_shutdown_wait(task, ca); 		break; 	case SM_CMD_SET_EVENT: 		cmd_set_event(task, ca); 		break; 	}; } 


/* N.B. the api doesn't support one client setting killpath for another    pid/client */  static void cmd_killpath(struct task *task, struct cmd_args *ca) { 	struct client *cl; 	int cl_ci = ca->ci_target; 	int cl_fd = ca->cl_fd; 	int cl_pid = ca->cl_pid; 	int rv, result, pid_dead;  	cl = &client[cl_ci];  	log_debug("cmd_killpath %d,%d,%d flags %x", 		  cl_ci, cl_fd, cl_pid, ca->header.cmd_flags);  	rv = recv(cl_fd, cl->killpath, SANLK_HELPER_PATH_LEN, MSG_WAITALL); 	if (rv != SANLK_HELPER_PATH_LEN) { 		log_error("cmd_killpath %d,%d,%d recv path %d %d", 			  cl_ci, cl_fd, cl_pid, rv, errno); 		memset(cl->killpath, 0, SANLK_HELPER_PATH_LEN); 		memset(cl->killargs, 0, SANLK_HELPER_ARGS_LEN); 		result = -ENOTCONN; 		goto done; 	}  	rv = recv(cl_fd, cl->killargs, SANLK_HELPER_ARGS_LEN, MSG_WAITALL); 	if (rv != SANLK_HELPER_ARGS_LEN) { 		log_error("cmd_killpath %d,%d,%d recv args %d %d", 			  cl_ci, cl_fd, cl_pid, rv, errno); 		memset(cl->killpath, 0, SANLK_HELPER_PATH_LEN); 		memset(cl->killargs, 0, SANLK_HELPER_ARGS_LEN); 		result = -ENOTCONN; 		goto done; 	}  	cl->killpath[SANLK_HELPER_PATH_LEN - 1] = '\0'; 	cl->killargs[SANLK_HELPER_ARGS_LEN - 1] = '\0';  	if (ca->header.cmd_flags & SANLK_KILLPATH_PID) 		cl->flags |= CL_KILLPATH_PID;  	result = 0;  done: 	pthread_mutex_lock(&cl->mutex); 	pid_dead = cl->pid_dead; 	cl->cmd_active = 0; 	pthread_mutex_unlock(&cl->mutex);  	if (pid_dead) { 		/* release tokens in case a client sets/changes its killpath 		   after it has acquired leases */ 		release_cl_tokens(task, cl); 		client_free(cl_ci); 		return; 	}  	send_result(cl_fd, &ca->header, result); 	client_resume(ca->ci_in); } 
  • 发送修改killpath的消息给sanlock身份的守护进程;

  • src/client.c

int sanlock_killpath(int sock, uint32_t flags, const char *path, char *args) { 	char path_max[SANLK_HELPER_PATH_LEN]; 	char args_max[SANLK_HELPER_ARGS_LEN]; 	int rv, datalen;  	datalen = SANLK_HELPER_PATH_LEN + SANLK_HELPER_ARGS_LEN;  	memset(path_max, 0, sizeof(path_max)); 	memset(args_max, 0, sizeof(args_max));  	snprintf(path_max, SANLK_HELPER_PATH_LEN-1, "%s", path); 	snprintf(args_max, SANLK_HELPER_ARGS_LEN-1, "%s", args);  	rv = send_header(sock, SM_CMD_KILLPATH, flags, datalen, 0, -1); 	if (rv < 0) 		return rv;  	rv = send_data(sock, path_max, SANLK_HELPER_PATH_LEN, 0); 	if (rv < 0) { 		rv = -errno; 		goto out; 	}  	rv = send_data(sock, args_max, SANLK_HELPER_ARGS_LEN, 0); 	if (rv < 0) { 		rv = -errno; 		goto out; 	}  	rv = recv_result(sock);  out: 	return rv; } 


  • libvirt中使用on_lockfailure标签来设置虚拟机的锁失败后的处理,其处理方法如下(src/conf/domain_conf.h):
  • 目前只支持“默认”、“关机”和“暂停”的处理方式 ,如果是默认则不做任何处理,相当于让sanlock自己处理(src/locking/lock_driver_sanlock.c)。
virLockManagerSanlockRegisterKillscript(int sock,                                         const char *vmuri,                                         const char *uuidstr,                                         virDomainLockFailureAction action) {     virBuffer buf = VIR_BUFFER_INITIALIZER;     char *path;     char *args = NULL;     int ret = -1;     int rv;      switch (action) {     case VIR_DOMAIN_LOCK_FAILURE_DEFAULT:         return 0;      case VIR_DOMAIN_LOCK_FAILURE_POWEROFF:     case VIR_DOMAIN_LOCK_FAILURE_PAUSE:         break;      case VIR_DOMAIN_LOCK_FAILURE_RESTART:     case VIR_DOMAIN_LOCK_FAILURE_IGNORE:     case VIR_DOMAIN_LOCK_FAILURE_LAST:         virReportError(VIR_ERR_CONFIG_UNSUPPORTED,                        _("Failure action %s is not supported by sanlock"),                        virDomainLockFailureTypeToString(action));         goto cleanup;     }      virBufferEscape(&buf, '\\', "\\ ", "%s", vmuri);     virBufferAddLit(&buf, " ");     virBufferEscape(&buf, '\\', "\\ ", "%s", uuidstr);     virBufferAddLit(&buf, " ");     virBufferEscape(&buf, '\\', "\\ ", "%s",                     virDomainLockFailureTypeToString(action));      if (virBufferCheckError(&buf) < 0)         goto cleanup;      /* Unfortunately, sanlock_killpath() does not use const for either      * path or args even though it will just copy them into its own      * buffers.      */     path = (char *) VIR_LOCK_MANAGER_SANLOCK_KILLPATH;     args = virBufferContentAndReset(&buf);      VIR_DEBUG("Register sanlock killpath: %s %s", path, args);      /* sanlock_killpath() would just crop the strings */     if (strlen(path) >= SANLK_HELPER_PATH_LEN) {         virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR,                        _("Sanlock helper path is longer than %d: '%s'"),                        SANLK_HELPER_PATH_LEN - 1, path);         goto cleanup;     }     if (strlen(args) >= SANLK_HELPER_ARGS_LEN) {         virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR,                        _("Sanlock helper arguments are longer than %d:"                          " '%s'"),                        SANLK_HELPER_ARGS_LEN - 1, args);         goto cleanup;     }      if ((rv = sanlock_killpath(sock, 0, path, args)) < 0) {         if (rv <= -200) {             virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR,                            _("Failed to register lock failure action:"                              " error %d"), rv);         } else {             virReportSystemError(-rv, "%s",                                  _("Failed to register lock failure"                                    " action"));         }         goto cleanup;     }      ret = 0;   cleanup:     VIR_FREE(args);     return ret; } 
  • 如果是“关机”或“暂停”的处理方式则执行如下程序,且不可更改(src/locking/lock_driver_sanlock.c):
#define VIR_LOCK_MANAGER_SANLOCK_KILLPATH LIBEXECDIR "/libvirt_sanlock_helper" 
  • libvirt_sanlock_helper程序目前只支持“关机”和“暂停”(src/locking/sanlock_helper.c)。
int main(int argc, char **argv) {     const char *uri;     const char *uuid;     virDomainLockFailureAction action;     char *xml = NULL;     virConnectPtr conn = NULL;     virDomainPtr dom = NULL;     int ret = EXIT_FAILURE;      int authTypes[] = {         VIR_CRED_AUTHNAME,         VIR_CRED_ECHOPROMPT,         VIR_CRED_PASSPHRASE,         VIR_CRED_NOECHOPROMPT,     };     virConnectAuth auth = {         .credtype = authTypes,         .ncredtype = ARRAY_CARDINALITY(authTypes),         .cb = authCallback,     };      if (virGettextInitialize() < 0)         exit(EXIT_FAILURE);      if (getArgs(argc, argv, &uri, &uuid, &action) < 0)         goto cleanup;      if (!(conn = virConnectOpenAuth(uri, &auth, 0)) ||         !(dom = virDomainLookupByUUIDString(conn, uuid)))         goto cleanup;      switch (action) {     case VIR_DOMAIN_LOCK_FAILURE_POWEROFF:         if (virDomainDestroy(dom) == 0 ||             virDomainIsActive(dom) == 0)             ret = EXIT_SUCCESS;         break;      case VIR_DOMAIN_LOCK_FAILURE_PAUSE:         if (virDomainSuspend(dom) == 0)             ret = EXIT_SUCCESS;         break;      case VIR_DOMAIN_LOCK_FAILURE_DEFAULT:     case VIR_DOMAIN_LOCK_FAILURE_RESTART:     case VIR_DOMAIN_LOCK_FAILURE_IGNORE:     case VIR_DOMAIN_LOCK_FAILURE_LAST:         fprintf(stderr, _("unsupported failure action: '%s'\n"),                 virDomainLockFailureTypeToString(action));         break;     }   cleanup:     virObjectUnref(dom);     if (conn)         virConnectClose(conn);     VIR_FREE(xml);      return ret; } 


  • 当sanlock续租失败时、默认情况下首先使用SIGTERM杀死进程。过一段时间后,如果还不成功,则会使用SIGKILL杀死进程。
  • 当libvirt使用sanlok时,默认情况下不对续租进行处理,由sanlock使用自己的配置进行处理。
  • 当libvirt使用sanlok时,也可以通过配置虚拟机的“on_lockfailure”事件来进行处理续租失败的问题。
  • 不过目前libvirt的“on_lockfailure”事件只支持“pause”和“poweroff”这两种动作。
  • 在续租失败时,sanlock会通过kill函数或执行killpath程序来终止进程,通过套接字连接状态来判断进程是否已经终止,如果未终止则不会释放相关资源。

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